Federal Reserve

Tragedy & Hope Lecture Series – 8 Free Halves – Globalist Books Series

We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era. The first half of the talk discusses the race and what Trump symbolizes, while the second half for subscribers closes out the final chapters of Dr. Quigley’s monumental tome.  To obtain the full talks and lectures, subscribe above in the purchase membership section. 
Youtube Video:

A Greedy Economy on Borrowed Time: America Under the Sword of Damocles

NEW YORK — On the afternoon of December 31, 1999, I boarded a flight from Chicago O’Hare airport for San Francisco International and found myself seated next to a bear of a man, who, at 6 feet 6 inches tall, and more than 300 pounds, squeezed into the middle seat of an emergency row. His unkempt sandy blonde beard contrasted with a ratty, tent-sized red plaid shirt. As we hit cruising altitude, he introduced himself as “Gary” and began to tell me his life’s story.

Tenth Anniversary Of Financial Collapse, Preparing For The Next Crash

Ten years ago, there was panic in Washington, DC, New York City and financial centers around the world as the United States was in the midst of an economic collapse. The crash became the focus of the presidential campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain and was followed by protests that created a popular movement, which continues to this day.

Interview 1380 – Money Magic and the Scramble for Africa

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-08-23%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom for his regular appearance on Financial Survival. This week they discuss the monetary system upon which the political puppet show is based and the scramble for African resources that is shaping up between the US and China.