
Al Gore: "Truth to Power" - Carrying Propaganda to the Great Unconscious

 I'm dedicating this to Al Gore:Al Gore- Truth to Power. Really? Yup, Truth to Power! Al Gore & Truth to Power??I'm scratchin' my head! That title, alongside the very concept of Al Gore speaking truth to power, is preposterous. And yet many people will be enamoured of this very idea. Choosing to ignoring the FACT that Al Gore has long been a part of the very power problem the rest of us have had to deal with. The very idea/ concept of Gore as a speaker of “Truth to Power” is so absurd.

France’s Top Vineyards Suffer Biggest Loss in Decades- Ice, Ice, Baby!

I'm still not feeling the warmth here in Southern Ontario, Canada- Official gardening date just two weeks away- Can't even get the tomatoes to "harden off "- Smaller then usual thanks to the lack of sun and heat..... Wind direction from the north east = colder then normalLake Erie levels, still high,  above average- No heat- No sun for evaporation.Also noticing a complete lack of spring bird babies- I should be seeing ducklings and goslings.