Bill Gates

Pandemic Propaganda: Global Media Stoke Fears of ‘Outbreak’ of Bubonic Plague

Today, we are being told by multiple mainstream media outlets that resurgence of the Black Death is on the way. But is this story really news worthy?
Fear merchants in mainstream media editorial rooms across the world seem very keen to promote the idea of a “high alert” situation in China’s Inner Mongolia region where it has been reported that one “suspected case” of Bubonic Plague was detected over the weekend.

‘We Are Not Guinea Pigs’ – South African Anti-Vaccine Movement Opposing Big Pharma

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Anti-vaccine protesters took to the streets in Johannesburg on Wednesday to voice their concern over Africa’s first human trials for a potential coronavirus vaccine.
Last Wednesday, the University of the Witwatersrand in partnership with Oxford University rolled out South Africa’s first clinical trial, which will consist of 2,000 volunteers.
The involvement of South Africa in vaccine trials is intended to ensure the continent will have access to an affordable vaccine and not be left at the back of the queue.

Would You Trust Big Pharma with Your Life?

Fact: any vaccine can cause side effects. Still, the pharmaceutical industry and the politicians in their pay will argue that the benefits of getting a vaccine are much greater than the possible side effects. Typically, creating a working vaccine for mass adoption would take at least 4 years, but today the public are being told that “we simply can’t wait,” and that standard safety testing and research should be bypassed in order to fast track a new adjuvant vaccine for COVID-19.

Eugenic Euphemism

George Orwell (Eric Blair) was not the first or only person to write that empire needs euphemism as well as control over language and not just the people who use it.1 Mark Twain and even Ernest Hemingway also captured this quality although they were usually less explicit in their illustrations. In contemporary memory George Carlin gave what was probably the best classic rendition of the pathology.

Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries

Through the magic of Internet meme culture, most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, “Casablanca,” where two policemen stop a civilian in the “old Moorish section” of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for his “papers.” The subject is taken away at once after failing to produce the required documents.

Interview 1558 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3=""][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Gates leads an investment team to bring you BioMilq, a lab-created substitute for breast milk; Japan's PM calls for altering the constitution after scrapping a new missile defense system; and the Canadian shooter story falls apart as evidence of police involvement emerges.