Big Media
American in Exile #2 – Russia Q&A, Khmelnitskiy Story, News in Network Society, Politico [Video]
From apartment living in Moscow to the US space program, to Khmelnitskiy’s gigantic explosions to the manifesting irrelevance of the United States. We cover many topics. Please share with your friends if you like this, and share with your enemies if you don’t! All comments and suggestions welcome as we develop this effort.
Video: Kampen om makten över ordet
En video från 5-julistiftelsen: Diskussionen om internet och sociala media handlar inte bara om insamlade data eller om hat, hot och fake news – utan även om makten över ordet. Och det fria ordet har sina fiender.Youtube » | Blogg:
»EU copyright reform goes from bad to worse«
For example, the “snippet tax” would require commercial sites that quote even tiny portions of online press publications to pay a licensing fee for each one. Given the way social networks constantly quote and cross-link information, that’s clearly absurd. And yet the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) committee of the European Parliament has come up with a cunning plan to make it even worse. It wants the snippet tax to apply to physical publications as well as digital ones. (…)
European Parliament making a pig’s breakfast of new Copyright regulation package
On 11 July, two Committees in the European Parliament voted on their Opinions on European Commission’s proposal for a Copyright Directive: the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
Vänstern – det fria ordets fiende
Läs min senaste krönika hos Mårtensson:Vänstern – det fria ordets fiende »"Det är fullständigt uppenbart att dessa människor avskyr fria flöden av information – förkroppsligade av till exempel Pewdiepie (med sina 56 miljoner följare på Youtube) och en amerikansk president som kortsluter hela medielogiken genom att twittra direkt till folket.
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