
Watch What It’s Like to Be a Factory-Farmed Chicken

The US meat industry maintains a strict code of secrecy over what goes on within the vast facilities where animals are fattened for slaughter, as Ted Genoways showed in a Mother Jones feature last year (which he expanded into an excellent full-length book). So the glimpses we get of these fecal-laden dungeons tend to be in the form of grainy videos, shot by undercover animal-welfare activists posing as workers

Agriculture Official Who Called #MeatlessMonday “Treasonous” Is Back At It

Why such hostility to Meatless Mondays? Well Staples has received at least $116,000 in campaign contributions from beef and ranching interests since 2010, according to public records. And this treasonous rhetoric is identical to that of the meat industry; just a few days ago I reported on Beef Magazine comparing the Humane Society to ISIS.
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The Real Cost of Fracking: How America’s Shale Gas Boom Is Threatening Our Families, Pets, and Food

Book Authors: Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald Reviewed by Allison Wilson (The Bioscience Resource Project) The first researchers to systematically document ill health in livestock, pets, and people living near fracking drill sites were Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald. Bamberger, a veterinarian, and Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at ...

Non-violent? Don’t Flatter Yourself

The vast majority of "food" we consume results from unspeakable animal cruelty, environmental devastation, and the use of exploited human labor. This "food" contains toxins and chemicals and pesticides and GMOs that rain violence down upon ourselves and all living things and the system that controls access to such "food" perpetrates the daily -- hourly -- brutality of poverty. Every single bite you take contains the not-so-hidden ingredient of violence.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

This is the film that environmental organizations don't want you to see.
"COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret" is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today, and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.
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B12 Myth – Vegan b12 deficiencies

A tufts University Study in Boston found that not only was low B-12 levels common in the entire population but 39% of Americans were actually b12 deficient. Even though these individuals were eating as much as 3 times the recommended daily intake. There was also a large scale Framingham Offspring Study that found nearly 40% of participants between the ages of 26-83 had low b12 levels ~ a level in which some people experience neurological symptoms. Scary. Again vegans and vegetarians are routinely tested but people eating animal bits and pieces are not.

Back to the future

I got interested in Green politics at the time that Die Grünen was taking off in Germany. I wrote a fair bit on that topic, and remember ending a lengthy feature on the Green movement with a reference to animal rights – saying it was a kindred issue but couldn’t see it taking off. Weirdly, within a month or two I was a vegetarian, and within 15 months a vegan.
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