Dieses Buch zeigt: Gentechnisch veränderte Nahrungsmittel wurden durch Täuschung auf den Weltmarkt gebracht
Die Warnungen von Wissenschaftlern vor ihren Gesundheitsrisiken wurden von US-Regierungsbürokraten ignoriert
Die Warnungen von Wissenschaftlern vor ihren Gesundheitsrisiken wurden von US-Regierungsbürokraten ignoriert
Mexico's GMO corn ban presents an opportunity for US farmers to supply non-GMO corn south of the border. By Ken Roseboro
Court says given the "particularly insidious" dangers of glyphosate-based herbicides, the activists' actions were justified
Change in law could speed commercialisation of GM wheat for people who can't “use a toaster properly”
Researchers find deterioration in health conditions at birth in areas downstream from intensive GM soy production
Reproductive use is clearly intended
Bill Gates and his agribusiness industry partners are proposing to transform our food and how it is produced
Backers of pesticides crackdown receive police protection following death threats. Report: Jonathan Matthews
Last thing we need is a raft of patented crops designed to prop up the industrial farming system that EU decision-makers should be working to dismantle – FoE Europe
Judge called the plan "clearly unreasonable"