2020 presidential nomination

Aside From The Democratic Party, Iowa's Biggest Loser Was Status Quo Joe

Reading the results coming in Monday night, I would have been ready to bring out the champagne-- if I was a drinker-- but watching Comcast's Anti-Bernie TV, I was seeing a very different picture. MSNBC seems to have selected-- or maybe it was just a coincidence-- caucuses in areas where Bernie was sure to do poorly.

You Can Tell A Lot About Candidates By Who Endorses Them-- And That Includes Status Quo Joe And Bernie

Biden has a shit load of endorsements and-- most of them are shit. They include corporate whores, Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. His congressional endorsers include some of the worst Democrats in Congress and nearly every one of them has a voting record with a ProgressivePunch "F" score. Here's a list of garbage behind Biden:

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Big Bernie Win Tomorrow-- With Far-Reaching Effects On Biden's Electability Argument

When computers mimic the human mind by showing an ability to "learn" and then use that learning to solve problems... that's AI-- Artificial Intelligence. Today it goes beyond human speech recognition, military war-game simulations and autonomously operating cars and tracks to... predicting who's going to win the Iowa caucuses tomorrow. You don't need AI for that you say? You can check the Real Clear Politics polling average (which shows Bernie ahead with 23.8%, compared to Status Quo Joe's 20.2%, Mayo Pete's 15.8% and everyone else below the 15% needed to win any delegates).

Why African-American Voters Should Be Saving Us From Biden, Not Thrusting Him On Us

I was living in Amsterdam when I first started following the career of a new young racist politician rising in the Democratic Party. And I've detested everything about that guy-- who was soon elected to the U.S. Senate-- since then. That's almost 5 decades of hate for a segregationist politician from Delaware, a state he once told other racist politicians, would have joined the Confederacy during the Civil War if it hadn't been for Maryland being in the way.