2020 presidential election

Do You Know Anyone Who Says "Vote Blue No Matter Who" Who Isn't An Insufferable Cretin?

That's a powerful statement from Bernie on how existentially crucial it is to defeat Trump. Not a word though about electing Status Quo Joe. That sums it up for almost everyone I know: hold your nose and elect the worst Democratic nominee for president since... let me see... there have been some real stinkers... ummm... Biden is worse than Hillary, who was so bad she even lost to Donald Trump. Biden is worse than Gore who was another Senate conservative and who picked Joe Lieberman as VP, making it impossible for progressives to vote for the ticket.

All Signs Point To Trump Losing In A Landslide-- Unless He Manages To Steal It

Voter Suppression by Nancy OhanianOver the weekend, AP reported that Trump and congressional Republicans have been so overwhelmed with negative polling and pressure from voters that they're starting to back down on their vow to torpedo the House's decision to extend the $600 a week unemployment enhancement.

Watch Out For A Coup-- The Table Is Set

Hitler wasn't legitimately elected either-- by Nancy OhanianTrump is screeching from the rooftops that the November election will be "the greatest election disaster in history," when everyone knows that the greatest election disaster was the one engineered by Vladimir Putin in 2016. "This will be catastrophic for our nation," Trump insisted. "You’ll see it. I’m always right about things like this.

What Is Trump Really Up To? It Sure Isn't Helping The GOP Suckers Who Enabled Him All This Time

On Wednesday, Brookings published a report by Jon Valant, School reopening plans linked to politics rather than public health, which is bound to be more than concerning for millions of parents and teachers. "One of the most enduring-- and maddening-- aspects of Betsy DeVos’s legacy as secretary of education will be the way she has politically charged complicated issues in education.

Trump Is The Worst Monster On Earth-- But Does Biden Want To Make You Puke Up Your Lunch?

6 states have fewer than a million people; Delaware is one of them. Biden has never been elected to anything-- unless you want to pretend he was elected VP-- outside of Delaware, a state with a pronounced penchant for electing very conservative Democrats. He has often tried to make it seem that he was a favorite son of Pennsylvania, the 6th most populous state in the union but he's never run for anything there.

Kamala Harris or Susan Rice? The Veepstakes Appears To Have Kicked Out Two Truly Terrible Choices

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, reportedly one of the last of Joe Biden's finalists for Vice Presidentby Thomas NeuburgerEvents on the VP selection front are moving quickly, and so far, it appears from all I can gather (private conversations, news stories, tea leaves left in news stories), that the choice is between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice.

The Trumpanzee Regime Is A Clown Show That Has Ceased Being Entertaining

Damn! I wish the Lincoln Project would do some ads like this Susan Collins hit piece above targeting Trump enablers in the House like Michael McCaul and Roger Williams in Texas, and Ken Calvert and Doug LaMalfa in California (Fox News and the Corona, CA Police Department practically did all the work to set up the Calvert one already).There's so much material to work with-- even beyond the whole enabler thing.