UK: Defra overrides public concern to write regulatory blank cheque for untested GM
GM potatoes have not been tested under controlled conditions
GM potatoes have not been tested under controlled conditions
Dicamba herbicide sprayed on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans might drift and could damage potato crops
A spokesman for the EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, said he would consider replacing the academic scientists with representatives from industries whose pollution the agency is supposed to regulate
The Horticultural Trades Association says GM orange petunia plants and seeds have been found in the UK
Documents show Monsanto coached Peter Phillips, edited academic articles
Health risks from residues with spraying with herbicides were not assessed
Deal allocates $3 million to “consumer outreach and education regarding agricultural biotechnology,” which includes genetic engineering of food and commodity crops
New book documents the country’s unsuccessful experience with Bt cotton cultivation and calls for move away from GM and towards agroecology
The EU's conclusion that a glyphosate was safe to sell was partially based on scientific evidence that was written or influenced by the manufacturer Monsanto
Monsanto is being accused of hiring an army of Internet trolls to counter negative comments, while citing positive “ghost-written” pseudo-scientific reports which downplay the risks of their products