Fears mount as herbicide-cancer link comes to light
Family believes boy’s non-Hodgkins lymphoma stems from Roundup exposure
Family believes boy’s non-Hodgkins lymphoma stems from Roundup exposure
Agricultural researchers of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) differ over the variety’s suitability and potential
ECHA and other EU authorities broke their own rules and brushed aside evidence of cancer to conclude that glyphosate is non-carcinogenic, according to a report published by GLOBAL 2000. Now the author and editors have challenged ECHA to defend its position in a public scientific debate
Karnataka will make its position clear to the prime minister
Iowa joins Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kansas in reporting crop damage from drift of dicamba herbicide sprayed on GM dicamba-tolerant crops
Rajasthan, India’s top mustard producing state, rejects GM mustard
Tennessee is the fourth state to take action
US citizens: you’ve fought for years for labelling of genetically engineered (GE or GMO) food. Now is your chance to finally get it
Bloomberg analyses the problems with the EPA’s evaluation of glyphosate’s cancer-causing potential
The fault is with Monsanto’s product and not the farmers, says State Rep. Bill Sanderson, who is also owner of a winery damaged by dicamba drift