Obama Deserves Nobel War Prize: Bolivian President

Voice of Russia
September 28, 2013
Obama deserves Nobel War Prize – Bolivian President

President Evo Morales of Bolivia has deplored the fact that the Nobel Committee made an error when awarding the US President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, insisting that the award should have been different, namely the Nobel War Prize, according to the Latin American media reports on Friday.
Morales said this in a statement in Caracas, where he’d arrived to meet another vociferous critic of the US policy, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.
Morales arrived in Caracas straight from New York in the wake of his attendance of the UN General Assembly session.
According to the Bolivian leader, the number of wars around the world has been growing since Obama came to power, armed conflicts continued specifically in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the last but not least, in Syria.
Morales claims Obama feels he has the right to invade any country boasting mineral resources without seeking any UN approval first.
According to the Bolivian President, the situation prompts (us) to consider the need for setting up an international tribunal of nations that would have the authority to try anyone, including the US President.
Morales also said he would contact some Nobel Peace Prize winners and human rights organizations to start work on the proposal. He said that someone should be able to stop Obama and that things shouldn’t be left as they are now.
On Thursday, the Bolivian leader also called for holding working meetings in the UN framework in neutral countries, since he believes that the world leaders who adhere to anti-imperialist positions do not feel safe in New York.
According to Morales, these kinds of meetings should be held on a rotating basis, alternately in Switzerland, Austria and Brazil.
Voice of Russia, RIA
