Washington Post

Here is a chart predicting which countries will have a coup or regime change in 2017

As the saying goes…
“Why has there never been a coup in Washington D.C.?”
The answer: “Because there is no U.S. Embassy in Washington D.C.”
The answer highlights how  every country on the planet (with a US embassy) is at risk at having their government overthrown. We saw it Ukraine two years ago. Almost saw it in Turkey last year.

Those ‘Resignations’: What Really Happened at the State Department

By Peter Van Buren | We Meant Well | January 26, 2017 Yesterday at the State Department five officials resigned or retired. Another one today. The media has gone near-insane, claiming State is crumbling in protest under the Trump administration. This is not true. What happened at State is very routine. Leaving the Department are […]

So who will fill Merrick Garland's Supreme Court seat?

by KenThere's a good chance, as we knew all through the 2016 presidential derby, that the Supreme Court we now think of as the "Roberts Court" is going to be transformed over the next few years into the "Trump Court."For now, President Trump has one vacancy to fill, the one that remains because Republicans took one of their more outrageous dumps on the Constitution by refusing to consider former President Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, to fill the

The Neocon Lament

Nobody wants them in Trump’s Washington By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • January 24, 2017 There is no limit to the hubris driven hypocrisy of America’s stalwart neoconservatives. A recent Washington Post front page article entitled “‘Never Trump’ national-security Republicans fear they have been blacklisted” shares with the reader the heartbreak of those so-called GOP […]