
Filmmaker Documents Agony and Ecstasy of Giving up Added Sugars

In the long term, giving up sugar and alcohol is an excellent decision for your health. But getting there…well, the detox and withdrawal may not be very attractive.
Of course, when many people think of giving up sugar, they only think of the obvious things: cutting out syrupy sweet coffee creamers, eschewing the display of Captain Crunch at the store, and rejecting glazed donuts. But added sugar is in so many of the foods we consume that many people scarcely give them a second thought; so few people know what it’s like to truly give up all added sugar.

GMO Farmers Sue to Block GM Crop Ban in Josephine County, Oregon

Josephine County voted on a genetically modified food ban that was to go into effect on September 4th, but of course rejecting GMOs can never happen without a fight. One day before the ban went live, GM sugar beet farmers, with the backing of agrichemical corporations, sued in order to halt the ban. This is a similar tactic that was used in Maui County and Kauai County, who passed similar bans via a democratic process. When will the courts uphold justice?

Don’t Drink This if You Want to Avoid Diabetes

This won’t come as a surprise to most readers, but…sugar is bad for you. But if you think drinking diet soda will keep you from gaining weight and becoming diabetic, think again.
A new study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) shows that people don’t have to be overweight to develop Type 2 diabetes. Just chugging a single sugary drink ups the risk of the disease in even lean individuals. [1]

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment – 15 Essential Rescue & Recovery Tips

Adrenal fatigue is a commonly experienced syndrome in today’s world of stress and high energy. Adrenal fatigue symptoms are often confused for other health issues, and are largely ignored by mainstream medicine. Just as with thyroid conditions, those who are easily fatigued, full of anxiety, or exhausted constantly can face a battle that not many others understand. If you suspect you might have adrenal fatigue (and so many of us do), it is time to uncover adrenal fatigue treatment and solutions that could really work.

Is Drinking Diet Soda Really Bad for Your Health?

Is diet soda bad for you? Diet soda has no sugar, calories, fat, or carbohydrates, and it feels all cold and bubbly going down your throat. What’s not to like on the surface? Unfortunately, the advertising on the can doesn’t tell the whole story, and those bubbles come at a very high price. That price can include Type 2 diabetes, seizures, loss of kidney function, various cancers, and most ironically of all, obesity.

Cactus Water Versus Coconut Water: What You Need to Know

Empty calories are a healthy person’s nemesis. With so many tasty and nutritious beverages in the world, why would anyone want to waste calories (and money) on sugary, health-compromising sodas when there are so many alternatives? Coconut water has been trending for years now, but there’s a new healthy beverage on the rise: cactus water.
Just like coconut water, cactus water made from prickly pear cactus has multiple health benefits:

Newly Discovered Danger of High Fructose Corn Syrup is Alarming

It’s no mystery that packaged and prepared foods in our grocery stores are full of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Though while more food makers are omitting this ingredient due to health dangers (and consumer demand), some companies are still including this health-damaging ingredient. Now, new troubling scientific studies reveal how high fructose corn syrup-containing foods are causing yet another unwanted side effect – heart failure.

What Happens When You Give Up Sugar for an Entire YEAR?

For most people the idea of giving up sugar for an entire year is more than daunting. It isn’t as if you would just give up your favorite dessert, but you would also have to give up almost every food sold in the grocery store (…almost every food). To a woman named Eve Schaub, this was not an insurmountable task, but her family’s journey into no-sugar-land was quite eye-opening.