Informant or spy? How the FBI targeted Donald Trump. Part 2 (Video)

The Duran – News in Review – Episode 11.
Alex Christoforou with Alexander Mercouris discuss how the FBI used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials, and why the Trump White House has, to date, failed to launch an in depth and comprehensive investigation into the SPYGATE scandal.
Is POTUS Trump in control of his DOJ?
Why has an investigation into so many crimes against a US President not been investigated?
Where is Jeff Sessions in all of this?

Informant or spy? How the FBI targeted Donald Trump. Part 1 (Video)

Alex Christoforou with Alexander Mercouris discuss how the FBI, under James Comey, reportedly used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials.
How high does the scandal go?
Was Barack Obama in the know all along, as US intelligence agencies spied an Trump’s presidential campaign in an effort to ensure Hillary Clinton was elected US President.
And when Hillary lost, Plan B, now known as “Trump-Russia” collusion, was launched in an brazen attempt to delegitimize and destroy President Trump.

One U.S. State Takes Steps to Hold the NSA Accountable for Warrantless Surveillance

On the heels of the fifth anniversary of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s disclosure of classified National Security Agency (NSA) documents to journalists, one state legislature has recently taken steps to hold the government agency accountable for its warrantless surveillance programs by making it illegal for state and local governments, including law enforcement and public utilities, to support the NSA’s warrantless spying on American citizens.

The Age of Petty Tyrannies

Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.

Forget Facebook, Five Eyes is bigger threat to our privacy, security

By Yves Engler | May 8, 2018 While the media has been full of news about information-gathering by Facebook and other Internet giants, other secretive organizations that are a major threat to our personal privacy and public security are seldom mentioned. And when they are, it has most often been because politicians are praising them […]