
Chris Hedges: Trump’s Barrett Nomination Another Step Toward Christian Fascism

Princeton, New Jersey (Scheerpost) — The Christian Right is content to have the focus on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett revolve around her opposition to abortion and membership in People of Praise, a far-right Catholic cult that practices “speaking in tongues.” What it does not want examined is her abject subservience to corporate power, her hostility to workers, civil liberties, unions and environmental regulations.

Under Pressure, Amazon Reveals Over 20,000 Employees Likely Contracted COVID

It announced the figure in the middle of a public relations statement detailing the measures it was taking to try to keep its employees safe from the virus. The company presented itself as a proactive and responsible business. “As part of this commitment, we’ve decided to publicly share the COVID-19 infection rates among Amazon front-line employees—something few if any companies and no other major retailers have done,” noted its blog post.

Despite Trump’s Boast, Insulin in America Among the Most Expensive Liquids on Earth

One of Trump’s more questionable claims he made at the now infamous first presidential debate was that he was driving down medical costs for ordinary Americans. Under his presidency, the 74-year-old New Yorker claimed, diabetes medicine insulin had gone from so expensive that it was “destroying families” to “so cheap it’s like water.” “This is big stuff,” he added.

Civil Rights Groups Are Finally Waking Up to the ADL’s Right Wing Agenda

As people in the U.S. and around the world try to make sense of the mud wrestling match – also known as the first presidential debate of 2020 – one racist organization is getting great exposure. I am not referring here to any of the “usual suspects” that Trump would not condemn, like Proud Boys and others. I am referring to a more sophisticated, more influential and far more dangerous organization. It is an organization that for decades has managed to conceal its racist activities.

NJ Homeland Security Assessment Warns Violent Unrest Could Follow 2020 Election

In the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, potential civil unrest and worse has been predicted by multiple governmental agencies and assorted federal outfits, including the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. Last week the organization published a “supplemental threat assessment” on the upcoming electoral contest subtitled “The Convergence of COVID-19, Nationwide Civil Unrest, and the Upcoming Presidential Election.”

Amid Torrent of Anti-BDS Legislation, Columbia University Students Win Referendum Against Apartheid

In a political climate that broadly supports Israel both financially and ideologically, a student group at Columbia University has beaten the odds, passing a referendum that calls for circumspection of its school’s investment in the state.
What makes this accomplishment particularly striking is the fact that Congress and U.S. states are currently considering – or in many cases, have already passed – legislation to do the exact opposite.

Fed Study on Household Wealth Reveals Troubling Trends in American Inequality

Millionaires and billionaires hold a remarkable 79.2 percent of the United States’ household wealth. That is according to a newly released triennial study into consumer and household finances from the Federal Reserve. The report paints a picture of an unequal America, where a small minority of the rich control the vast majority of household wealth. 11.9 percent of American households have at least $1 million in wealth. Overall, mean family wealth declined by three percent across the country between 2016 and 2019.

Presidential Debate Debacle Leaves Americans Feeling Angry and Uninformed

Tuesday night’s much anticipated presidential debate between incumbent Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden drew the attention of tens of millions around the world. But few appeared satisfied or enlightened after watching it. Although it touched on many serious topics, including the Supreme Court, climate change, policing, and the coronavirus pandemic, little of any substance was actually said by either man, the event descending into a farcical bickering battle. Biden repeatedly attacked Trump’s character. “You’re the worst president America has ever had.