
Kristol Clear

It has been noted ironically by Justin Raimondo at antiwar and also by Scott McConnell over at The American Conservative how the neoconservative dominated American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus, which sees Chechens and other Central Asian Muslim militants as “freedom fighters” against Russian rule, exists side by side with other organizations like the [...]

Cynthia McKinney: Israel Lobby shaping US policy

By Cynthia McKinney | April 29, 2013

It is fitting that on the same day as this headline appeared, “Pro-Israeli US lawmakers urge bombing Syria air bases, arming militants, invasion” I delivered the following remarks to the United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine:
From Cynthia McKinney: Remarks at the UN International Meeting on Palestine in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

NYPD surveillance of Muslim community

PressTVGlobalNews | April 30, 2013

As documented by the Associated Press and other journalists, the NYPD has built a program dedicated to the total surveillance of Muslims in the greater New York City era.
Officers have routinely monitored restaurants, bookstores and mosques and created detailed records of innocent conversations they’ve both had with individuals and eavesdropped on.

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: The Real Terror Is The Law - Now You Can Be Executed For Merely Being A Suspect!

I am truly appalled by the actions shown by the American public, especially the citizens of Boston and Watertown, in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon drill and operation.... It was disgusting to watch these people cheer on their police forces with shouts of "USA!