Mike Pence

Porkins Policy Radio episode 69 Post Election PizzaGate Rant with Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli

Today I am joined by frequent guests Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli for the second hour. Robbie and I begin by discussing our general feelings about the soon to be President Donald Trump and the post election world. We take a close look at the people that Trump is surrounding himself with as he begins to form his cabinet and administration. We pay particular attention to the small faction of neocon’s that refused to jump on the “Never Trump” bandwagon and instead supported him wholeheartedly.

November 8: The Biggest Day for Marijuana Legalization Since 2012

Voters approved recreational marijuana in 4 states on November 8 – California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada. Further, an additional 4 other states passed medical marijuana provisions: Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota, and Montana, with Montana loosening restrictions on an existing law. In fact, election day was the biggest day for marijuana reform since 2012, when voters approved it for recreational use in Colorado and Washington. [1] [2]

Trump face à ses promesses

Certains l’espèrent, d’autres le redoutent. Beaucoup de monde se demande si le futur président des États-Unis ira au bout de son programme. Donald Trump a formulé un certain nombre de promesses durant la campagne, et il est légitime de s’interroger sur ce qui, dans cette liste à la Prévert, tenait de la stratégie électorale d’une part, de la perspective de fond d’autre part. Le sort du monde durant ces quatre prochaines années dépend en partie de cette distinction.