Mental Health

Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation, Anxiety, Sleep & Stress Relief, Soft Spoken ASMR with Music

Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation, Anxiety, Sleep & Stress Relief, Soft Spoken ASMR with Music
In this Yoga video workout, Meera Hoffman shares a guided meditation for relaxation and stress relief. Perfect if you having trouble sleeping or suffer from anxiety that makes it hard to relax.
Meera Hoffman offers yoga classes and massage therapy in Austin, Texas.
Visit Meera Hoffman’s website at;
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Teens with Bipolar Disorder, Depression have Higher Risk of Heart Disease

Teens who suffer from bipolar disorder or depression have a high risk of heart disease, The American Heart Association (AHA) says. It also said adolescents should be screened for the condition. [1]
The AHA made the announcement a couple months ago. The organization said that bipolar disorder and depression often lead to poor eating habits and a lack of exercise, both of which can lead to heart disease. But being diagnosed with either psychiatric disorder alone can raise the risks, regardless of lifestyle habits.