
Standing In The Way Of History Is Often Fatal-- As Both Republicans And Conservative Democrats Are About To Find Out

The Republican Party, particularly the congressional wing, has one issue they're gearing up for the midterms: Obamacare. After doing everything in their power to sabotage it, from inception to roll out, the, Republicans want to focus all their attention on howling about what a failure it is. But are people buying their message?

Should Billionairism Be Illegal?

The Koch brothers just cost American taxpayers $24 billion with their two and a half week Republican temper tantrum. They should foot the bill. Ha ha ha… right? That's funny, huh? No, I'm serious. Society must protect itself from dangerous predators and there are no predators in the world-- not in al Qaeda, not in North Korea, not in Iran-- more damaging to America than David and Charles Koch, scions of a European fascist family.