
National Marijuana Legalization Could Raise $130 Billion While Adding 1.1 Million Jobs

(COMMONDREAMS) — Though a key argument for legalizing marijuana in the United States is that it would put a tremendous and necessary dent in the domestic and global failure known as “the War on Drugs,” a new analysis out Wednesday reveals that federal legalization could also raise more than $130 billion in tax revenue by 2025 while also creating more than 1.1 million new jobs.

Ron Paul: Just Say No to Jeff Sessions

(RPI— Attorney General Jeff Sessions kicked off the New Year by reversing the Obama-era guidance for federal prosecutors to limit their enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use. In what is almost certainly not a coincidence, Sessions’ announcement came days after California’s law legalizing recreational marijuana sales went into effect.

Reefer Madness: Jeff Sessions begins to restore enforcement of cannabis laws

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AG Jeff Sessions Rescinded Policy That Allowed States to Decide Legality of Marijuana

Just as California's law went into effect allowing the recreational sale of marijuana, and despite the fact that 40+ states allow marijuana for personal and/or medical use, AG Jeff Sessions rescinded federal guidelines that previously allowed the states to make their own policy on this issue. [The federal government continues to wage war against the marijuana industry but will not touch the problem of opioids, which is much more serious and far more deadly.

Per Capita, More People Die Of Drug Addiction In West Virginia Than In Any Other State. Meet The Candidate Who Thinks Medical Marijuana Is Part Of The Solution

West Virginia’s first Congressional District-- the northern third of the state that includes Wheeling, Parkersburg and Morgantown is pretty damn red lately. Trump beat Hillary 68.0% to 26.4%. The PVI went from R+14 in 2015 to R+19 this year! On the other hand-- and this is the hopeful news-- Bernie beat Hillary in every single one of WV-01's 20 counties and in the biggest county in the district, Mon (short for Monongalia), Bernie's 8,096 vote win over Hillary's 4,963 votes was also a substantial win over Trump's 5,971 votes that day in the GOP primary.