How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, […]

How The Globalists Subverted The Roman Catholic Church – Jay on lnf0warz

I host the 4th hour of the h@lexxx J0n3s show again to cover the techniques and plans of how the ecumenist movement was funded and turned to the strategy of the global elites. I cover the history of religious subversion, the Rockefeller’s usage of the ecumenist movement to promote the social gospel and how this led to the current state of affairs with globalization and Vatican II.


Marxist Praxis, Catholic Solidarity, and Human Dignity

Pope Francis I has denied being a communist, noting that he simply urges activism against the “structural causes” of poverty. This activism follows from Christian doctrine. Francis has said that any pronouncements regarding economic policy and welfare stem from Church doctrine rather than “leftist ideology.” Nevertheless, it appears that Marxist principles have emerged within Catholic social teaching, specifically with respect to notions of praxis (which are endogenous to both Marxist and Catholic social thought) and social analysis.