Joe Fallisi
A moving and remarkable testimony by Ernst Zündel
Our friend Joe Fallisi has struck again! Thanks to him I’ve just discovered a remarkable video recorded interview given in English by Ernst Zündel to a black female high school student in the late 1990s. This video, Students, the Holocaust and Free Speech (running time 1h 23min), was completely unknown to me. It is remarkably limpid, instructive and unsettling.It deals in particular with the two major trials that Zündel had to face in Canada in 1983 (lasting seven weeks) and in 1988 (lasting over four months).
Une stupéfiante vidéo de 1990 retrouvée par Joe Fallisi
C’est grâce au ténor italien Joe Fallisi, notre inlassable chercheur et diffuseur de textes et de vidéos, que nous pouvons aujourd’hui, en 2018, prendre connaissance d’une vidéo produite par Ernst Zündel en 1990 et intitulée Robert Faurisson - a Revisionist Life. Cette vidéo en langue anglaise, d’une durée de
An astonishing video from 1990 recently found by Joe Fallisi
It’s thanks to our friend the Italian tenor Joe Fallisi, tireless researcher and disseminator of writings, music and videos, that today, in 2018, we can note the existence of a video produced in 1990 by Ernst Zündel entitled Robert Faurisson - a
Joe Fallisi presents the publication in Italian of the Introduction to my "Ecrits révisionnistes (1974-1998)"
Dated December 3, 1998, this introduction covers 48 pages (vii-lv) of Tome I of my Ecrits révisionnistes, of which seven volumes have appeared thus far, with an eighth, and perhaps more, to come *.
Joe Fallisi presenta la pubblicazione in italiano dell'Introduzione ai miei "Ecrits révisionnistes (1974 -1998)"
Datata 3 dicembre 1998, questa introduzione occupa le pagine vii-lv, ovvero 48 pagine, del tomo I dei miei Ecrits révisionnistes, che contano sette tomi – presto otto, se non di più *.
Joe Fallisi présente la publication en italien de l’Introduction à mes "Ecrits révisionnistes (1974-1998)"
Datée du 3 décembre 1998, cette introduction occupe les pages VII-LV, soit 48 pages, du tome I de mes Ecrits révisionnistes, lesquels comptent sept tomes et vont bientôt en compter huit, sinon plus *.