Ira Glass

Is Equal Justice Ever Possible With Such Gigantic Income Inequality As We Have In The U.S.?

Remember that horrific story-- about a decade back-- about cops in New Orleans shooting unarmed civilians running for their lives from the Hurricane Katrina flood waters? In 2007 5 white police officers were indicted for opening up with shotguns and AK-47s on two families of black people on the Danziger Bridge looking for shelter from the deadly storm.

Christie, Who Unsuccessfully Prosecuted Middle-East Students Cheating On An Exam, Tries Re-Writing History To Make Himself Sound Like An Anti-Terrorist Warrior

Although Christie's term as a Bush-era prosecutor was primarily about prosecuting corrupt Democrats-- except for his uber-corrupt pals from the Norcross Machine-- suddenly he's trying to lay claim to the mantle of hero in the war against terrorism. Ted Cruz's campaign laughed in the Jersey slob's jowly face. During the last GOP debate in Vegas he boasted "I’m a former federal prosecutor. I’ve fought terrorists...

Jewish Power Takes A Tragically Wrong Turn In Rockland County, New York

Rockland County, just northwest of NYC, has had some big demographic changes in the past decade, including relatively large emigrations of Romanians and Dominicans. And Hasids-- kind of Amish, but Jewish. Now two out of three children in the school district are Hasidic. The county has been a Democratic bastion for some time. In 2008 Obama beat McCain, 65,134 (52%) to 58,199 (47%), and four years later he beat Romney, 60,446 (52.8%) to 52,936 (46.2%). Nita Lowey (D) is the congressmember, and both state Assemblymembers are Democrats. One state Senator is a Democrat and one is a Republican.

Odd The Way The 1% Get Away With Their Crimes-- Even Murder Sprees. Are We In Russia?

I always knew him as "Bobby," another of Susan Berman's rich friends. Now he's Robert Durst. I didn't know any rich people-- only poor people like myself-- when I was hanging out with Susan, except for her and the rich friends she introduced me to. Bobby Durst was someone she knew from boarding school, after her parents were killed in Mob hits, if I remember correctly. Her dad was a Vegas Jewish Mafia big shot-- not on a Sheldon Adelson level-- but a real big shot nonetheless. David "Davie the Jew" Berman.

Regulatory Capture-- A Story Of Democratic Dysfunction In The Face Of Increasingly Unfettered Capitalism

This is far more true today than it was in 1902Last week's most important story wasn't that mini-states Belgium, the U.K. and Denmark are joining in the bombing of airforceless ISIL-- or even the birth of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky. The biggest news was broken by Ira Glass on NPR's This American Life.