Hillary Clinton

Rohrabacher, Mueller, and Assange

By Daniel Lazare | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 26, 2020

Reports that Donald Trump offered to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange if he could prove that Russia didn’t hack Democratic National Committee caused a good-sized media storm when they came out in a British court last week. But then Dana Rohrabacher, the ex-US congressman supposedly serving as a go-between, issued an all-points denial, and the tempest blew over as fast as it arose.

The Devil’s Comb Over

It is this author’s analysis that the effect of the Donald Trump presidency has been, somewhat paradoxically, to put wind in the sails of a kind of patriotic liberalism, reaffirming confidence in the forms and functions of US governance. Since Trump’s election, the calling words have been “not my president,” “not my country,” “this isn’t the America I know”–and the protagonists in the valiant anti-Trump struggle has been Robert Mueller, the FBI, Nancy Pelosi, the CIA, and NATO.

Mike Bloomberg is paying & paving the way for Hillary Clinton (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the obvious theater of Mike Bloomberg’s Democratic presidential campaign, and how his massive spend is meant to pave the way for another screwing of Bernie Sanders, and a second Hillary Clinton run against Trump during a brokered convention in Milwaukee.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 2)

The solution for the funding of UBI is very simple, it should be paid out of newly created debt-free money. And when people hear this they cry instinctively “That would cause inflation”. No! Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. The people at the bottom of society: the underclass, the homeless, the unemployable, do not have too much money, some of them have no money at all.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 1)

Although he has now withdrawn from the Presidential race, the charismatic Yang has been the first person  to bring Unconditional Basic Income firmly under the spotlight of mainstream American politics. Surprisingly, Hillary Clinton actually considered it in 2016, but why give ordinary people money when you can sell your soul to the rich and powerful, lining your own pockets in the process?

Why Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers’ Case Against IRS May Cause US Political Dynasties to Shiver

By Ekaterina Blinova – Sputnik – February 12, 2020 While the mainstream media in the US was preoccupied with Donald Trump’s impeachment another legal drama has been unfolding since March 2019, namely Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan v Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel has explained why the case matters […]

Are Democrats Trying to Lose 2020? It’s Not a Bug – It’s a Feature

Hillary Clinton still controls the DNC, and in the few days before the Iowa caucus and subsequent fiasco, for a brief moment we lived in a parallel Bernie ascending universe where Democrats could forget that fact.
But now with Bloomberg buying in, Biden going down, Mayor Pete running out of managers to complain to, and an openly hostile campaign against Bernie – it’s time to ask:
What if the DNC has no strong desire to win this election?