
THIS speech by Vladimir Putin is what started the anti-Russia hysteria (VIDEO)

Sometimes it is possible to lose clear sight of the reality of politics because of the optics and all the “noise” associated with differing points of view. For the average American partaker of mainstream network news (and lately this applies to cable news outlets as well), the viewing public still tends to absorb the tone and rhetoric of the day. These people, often without any personal critical thought, simply go and echo it to their friends and neighbors, and even back to the news media or polling agencies. This has certainly been the case regarding Russia.

SKYNET & DARPA – The Transhumanist Takeover is Here & Vanilla Ice Too! – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room
Tune in for this live may 18th presentation of your favorite podcast on the internet as the original anti-think tank coalition of rebels discusses Yale’s new bio-tech of reanimating severed pig heads, some movie talk, some impressions, (not-so)fond memories of Vanilla Ice’s B-sides, esoteric symbology behind Clive Barker’s puzzle box, some reflection on Boiler Room’s infamous past and much more. Please support ACR, become a Patron and share the show page around! Find Boiler Room on iTunes, iHeartRadio and

CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

In the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operative spills the beans in this infamous 1969 work on covert operations and regime changes. Not only does Copeland detail the various US puppets and stooges, but also how game theory played into the predictive computer models available even in the late 60s.  

Non-Alignment and Dissent to Challenge US-Russia-China’s New World Order

In groups of people there are always bullies who feel entitled, for no particular reason, to want more than the rest and to dominate the others in complete disregard of the common good. Fortunately for convivial people, bullies tend to have the psychological subtlety of dominant male gorillas who beat loudly on their chests and fight over food and females. Therefore bullies often annihilate each other. The more serious social problems occur when they collaborate to gang up on others.

Donald Trump has exposed the hypocrisy on both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict

Although in the Israel-Palestine debate, Donald Trump has said explicitly that he is an ally of Israel, he may be one of the most important figures to shine a light on the hypocrisy of those on the centre left/liberal left of both sides of the issue.
Donald Trump has exposed the inherent flaws in liberal geo-political ideology which has adherents among supports of Israel and supporters of Palestine.