Glenn Greenwald

People Of Franke Wilmer's Character Are More Needed In Congress Than Ever... But Steve Israel Has Another Calculus He Uses

Franke Wilmer is an author, a professor of International Law and International Relations at Montana State University and a Democrat representing Bozeman in the Montana House of Representatives. She also served as Governor Brian Schweitzer's Chairwoman of the Montana Human Rights Commission. If you don't live in Montana, you still may remember Franke as the progressive candidate running for the at-large Montana House seat in 2012.

Glenn Greenwald on Edward Snowden and 1 billion cell phone calls per day

Glenn Greenwald has, especially over recent weeks, been shaking the national security state to its foundations. It is due to his work the US army has blocked access to Guardian website to preserve ‘network hygiene’ In the video below Greenwald explains Edward Snowden’s personal sacrifice for a better world, in revealing the United States and […]

Pardon Snowden Now!

Earlier today, Editorial Director Justin Raimondo published this letter:
Dear Friend of,
When darkness begins to fall, some curse the shadows – and others turn on the lights.
One man, a 29-year-old former spook and apparent libertarian, has stepped forward to reveal the truth about what our government is doing – and rescue our liberties from the warlords of Washington. One man had the courage to step forward and speak truth to power: in some dictionaries, that’s called “narcissism.” In mine, it’s called bravery.

Will Glenn Greenwald Run For Congress Against Peter King?

Terrorist supporter Peter King and civil libertarian Glenn GreenwaldLong Island as a geographical entity includes all of 4 counties: from east to west, Suffolk, Nassau, Queens and Kings (Brooklyn). Long Island as a state of mind is Nassau and Suffolk. When someone in NYC says they're going to "the Island," no one thinks they mean Brooklyn or Queens.

Can Iceland Give NSA Whistle Blower Asylum Before The Gulag Swallows Him Up?

Predictably, uptight Military Industrial Complex shills like Peter King (R-NY) and Mike Rogers (R-MI), were on the Sunday TV gab fests howling for the blood of Edward Snowden, the 29 year old ex-NSA employee/technical engineer for defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden came forward and outed himself as the source of Glenn Greenwald's explosive exposé about NSA domestic spying in The Guardian last week.