general interest

More Contrived Grass Roots/ Petition Signing Opposition to Turkey- Zaman/Gulen/CIA

My oh my. It's funny to watch (as in humorous) the NATO alt media outing themselves in their push for regime change in Turkey.  Stumbled across this today: Kick Turkey out of NATOYou see there is a petition at demanding the suspension of Turkey from NATO. Yah, because NATO is such an "honourable auspicious organization" So revered globally. Me being obnoxiously facetious.

Zombies and PropaGUNDa: Brian Anse Patrick- Interview

 Interview via Red Ice Radio with much thanks for providing it Zombies and Memetics (Memetics is more often referred to, here, as perception management or mind viruses) I've discussed the zombies that masquerade as living humans previously as far back as 08 when I ran into one of these sad creatures and the only descriptor I could think of was "zombie"  Watch out for zombies promoting genocidal theor

"Kurds Gear Up for Major Offensive Against ISIS" aka Annexing Syrian Territory

Love the lying  Haaretz headline. The NATO backed Kurdish militias alongside NATO special ops are making their move to annex Syrian territory- Period. There is not and never has been anything but  perverted war theatrics between Kurds and ISIS-  Yes, people die. People always die when a political agenda is being undertaken. I’ve said it repeatedly and I will say it again- Not caring what lies others want to believe. Choosing instead to see what is happening right in plain site. Annexation of Syrian and Iraqi territory.

Blowback: Begging the Question/Petitio Principii and Circular Reasoning

Blowback is a logical fallacy. Blowback assumes the conclusion in it's premise.It is faulty logic.  I've written about the use of  faulty logic previously and it's promotion as a means of deception. Refresh or read for the first time at the link directly below. I've included the final paragraphs from the previous post! The logical fallacy of “blowback”. Intoxication with the blowback mind virus