general interest

No Good Evidence that Children Benefit from Screen Time

None at all. And there never has been. From the TV screen to the iscreen there is no evidence of benefit from the idiot device. You know why that is? It’s quite simple- We are not computers. We are not machines. Despite the lies of Richard Dawkins and others of his ilk. We are flesh & blood humans.  Our cohorts- Our equals. Our kind are other humans. Not computers.

Unspun: Robin S Eubanks "Education and Personalized Learning"

Of course the presentation of Education and Personalized Learning has nothing to do with reality of this type of "learning"Personalized learning is more about altering your child's unique personal values at  neural levels and shape them to better produce conforming, compliant unthinking reactive adult- Creating irrationality.Disgraceful.Robin's website, started in 2012, is Invisible Serfs CollarThis interview is a definite partner to the earlier post:

The Doomsday Vault is NOT Flooded - AGW Cult Glossolalia

This is getting ridiculous- The constant overwrought dramatics. The claim of the flooded doomsday vault is more glossolalia , always accompanied by hysteria, that leaves the sane questioning, coherent thinker wanting something tangible. Something factual. Comprehensible. Something like, truth.First  from the Guardian - Arctic Stronghold of Worlds Seeds Flood after Permafrost Melts