
The Fraud of the American Cancer Society Exposed

Does your insurance cover the latest cancer drug that costs $159 to make, but sells for $106,000? The cost of cancer drugs has skyrocketed lately by more than 5000%, and this is not the exception, but the rule. Despite this gob-smacking display of greed, we continue to finance not only the pharmaceutical industry, but ‘charitable organizations’ that are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing. [1]

Zombies and PropaGUNDa: Brian Anse Patrick- Interview

 Interview via Red Ice Radio with much thanks for providing it Zombies and Memetics (Memetics is more often referred to, here, as perception management or mind viruses) I've discussed the zombies that masquerade as living humans previously as far back as 08 when I ran into one of these sad creatures and the only descriptor I could think of was "zombie"  Watch out for zombies promoting genocidal theor