Donald Trump

The Trump Administration’s Parting Outrage Against Cuba

(Photo credit:  Yander Zamora/EFE) On January 11, in his final days before leaving office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo added one parting blow to the series of bludgeons his administration has inflicted on Cuba for four years: putting the island on the list of “state sponsors of terror” that includes only Iran, North Korea and […]
The post The Trump Administration’s Parting Outrage Against Cuba first appeared on Dissident Voice.

L'administration Trump remet Cuba sur la liste noire des « Etats soutenant le terrorisme »

Les Etats-Unis avaient retiré Cuba de la liste des Etats soutenant le terrorisme en 2015, geste qui était perçu par les commentateurs comme un signe de la normalisation des relations entre les deux pays. Cuba était sur cette liste noire depuis 1982, Washington accusant alors La Havane de soutenir des mouvements de guérilla en Amérique centrale. Lors d'une visite historique en 2016 à Cuba, Barack Obama était même devenu le premier président américain en exercice à fouler le sol cubain depuis la (...)

Vae victis : Malheur aux vaincus - Près de 200 démocrates veulent destituer Trump ! L'Etat profond veut abattre Trump, une fois pour toutes !

Vae victis est une expression latine signifiant « Malheur aux vaincus » - Près de 200 démocrates veulent destituer Trump ! L'Etat profond veut abattre Trump, une fois pour toutes ! Trump : le dernier round face à l'Etat profond - JT du lundi 11 janvier 2021 •11 janv. 2021 Chaîne officielle TVLibertés Au programme ce soir, la charge des réseaux sociaux contre le président Trump. Régulièrement censuré, le président américain a vu ses comptes littéralement supprimés de certaines (...)


Chaos agent: Right-wing blames US Capitol riot on notorious instigator banished by Black Lives Matter

John Sullivan was at the front of the Trumpist mob in the Capitol, egging it on as he recorded the rampage. The far-right is pointing to him as proof of Antifa’s role in the riot. But leftist activists call him a dangerous provocateur and have banished him. The most dramatic footage to emerge from the far-right storming of the US Capitol on January 6 depicted the lethal shooting of Ashli Babbit, a pro-Trump activist and military veteran, by a Capitol […]

Stop the Steal takeover exposes fragility of U.S. empire

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Brian Becker, host of The Socialist Program, about the implications of the recent Stop the Steal riot in Washington D.C. By Anya Parampil   Becker analyzes direct coordination between rioters and the police and explains why he believes the Biden Era could be one of political instability in the United States. He also discusses the launch of his new podcast, The Socialist Program.

The US Capitol Building Riot and Its Blowback

The right-wing demonstration turned violent riot at the US Capitol on January 6 was a spectacle, complete with Confederate flags and a QAnon shaman in red-white-and-blue face paint. The Venezuelan government stated: “With this unfortunate episode, the United States is experiencing what it has generated in other countries with its policies of aggression.” Some half […]