debt slavery

Monopoly Board Game Revised For Our Times

The new Federal Reserve edition of the popular board game Monopoly has been revised to fit the realities of the modern banking and real estate world. The most radical change is that the money in the game will no longer be issued as a public utility much like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks were. The new Monopoly money will be green just like Federal Reserve Notes. The players will still be issued $1,500 each at the beginning of the game but under the new rules interest will be paid on the money the Banker created out of nothing.

Commenting On Jim Willie And The Death of The Dollar

I have written previously that China is co-operating with the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury and the Bank of England to manipulate the price of gold and silver to keep them low to make their currencies look good. Jim Willie did not mention that co-operation but has said this manipulation will be ended soon by market forces. I agree with that. China and Russia have enough gold and sufficient trade surpluses and allies to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency as early as January to March of 2014. China is the world’s largest gold producer. China owns gold mines overseas.

So Just How Much More Israeli Imposed Poverty Can Americans Take?

The Banker Occupied Government in Washington has been imposing poverty on Americans by transferring wealth from the workers, farmers and small businessmen to the elite in New York and the City of London for more than 100 years. I have spoken many times of how the bankers steal our money. They create our money out of nothing and charge us interest for using their money. They also are allowed to steal billions of dollars every week from federal spending which we peasants are not allowed to audit.

Blackrock on Deleveraging, The Market Top And Screwing The 99%.

Joseph Baratta, the head of Blackstone’s Private Equity Group recently said,
“We are in the middle of an epic credit bubble, in my opinion, the likes of which I haven’t seen in my career in private equity.”
Blackstone which was founded by two men who had worked together at Lehman Brothers before the collapse. It is owned by the most powerful of the Too Big To Jail Institutions.

Video: Lindsey Finally Says When The Dollar Will Collapse.

Lindsey Williams has finally said when his friend in the elite ranks of the oil industry told him the dollar will collapse. He was told Americans must be totally enslaved before they can let the dollar collapse. The three major steps are:
1) The Patriot Act and other acts and laws that restricted our historic freedoms.
2) Americans must be bankrupted and sent into poverty and Debt Slavery. They  elite want more people on welfare and Food Stamps. They want pensions to collapse and cities to declare bankruptcy before they crash all economies in the world.

Blythe Masters Replaces Ben Bernanke As Federal Reserve Chairman

Blythe Masters: Mr President, I am the most qualified person to replace Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke. All Janet Yellen and Larry Summers can do is Print more dollars to support the deficit. Whereas, I invented Credit Default Swaps so who is better qualified than I am to unwind hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives that would otherwise bring your presidency to a sudden halt?
Obama: Saving my presidency sounds good.
Valerie Jarrett: But you would continue printing dollars to support the deficit?

Confirming Matt Taibbi: The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right

A few weeks ago Matt Taibbi said in a 14 page article in Rolling Stone said that the Conspiracy Theorists were right and that every market was rigged by the bankers. And that included interest rates. commodities, Credit Default Swaps and the gold and silver markets. This has been confirmed by the courts and the securities markets. BP and Shell are being investigated in Europe for rigging oil prices. If the CEO of a small company were arrested, the stock price would go down. But BP and Shell stock prices remain unchanged.