The Daesh Chronicles: The Definition Challenge
by Ghassan Kadi Islam, real Islam, is a religion of piety, wisdom and peace, and Muslims, real Muslims are not terrorists. Even though all terrorists that have been caught involved
by Ghassan Kadi Islam, real Islam, is a religion of piety, wisdom and peace, and Muslims, real Muslims are not terrorists. Even though all terrorists that have been caught involved
It’s the quiddity of human nature. To think and to dissect and to parse that which is apparent and real and not which is gift-wrapped and force-fed via mythology and folklore. While the world burns, while terrorism infects humanity, while hate and dissension and distance rule the day you can always post some syrupy and saccharine pic about peace and sunsets and bunnies and feel like you’ve done something. Forget historicity, e.g.
Stream of unconsciousness. No précis or proem or prolegomenon or introduction or summary or adumbration or skeleton or outline or pithy phrase or reference can or could possibly describe what this podcast is all about. But Charles Manson comes to mind. “Look down at me and you see a fool, Look up at me and you see a god, Look straight at me and you see yourself.” See?
Les attentats terroristes en Belgique du 22 mars ont démontré que la « Guerre contre la Terreur » ne va pas s’en aller tout de suite. Il semble qu’aucun degré de sécurité ou de surveillance ne soit capable de nous « protéger » de criminels psychopathes avides d’assassiner des civils innocents afin de « nous prendre nos libertés ».
This has all become so tiresome and predictable that you could set your watch to it. Apparent terror attack in major Western city, rolling 24-hour news coverage to make sure we know how important this is (“Europe is now at war”), increased climate of fear, division and xenophobia, immediate mass-conditioning hashtags (‘#PrayForBelgium’, ‘#JeSuisBruxelles’, etc), world […]
Fractured. What appears to remain of the Republican Party as we know it – or knew it – is now being rended by internecine wars, feuds, squabbles, infighting and mutineering cabals. How delicious.
On October 19th 2011, a convoy of cars left the city of Sirte, carrying Libya’s beleaguered figurehead Muammar Gaddafi. On October 21st, an American/CIA drone (being operated from Las Vegas) spots the convoy and alerts NATO bombers, which immediately begin bombing the vehicles. It was French planes that started the attack, but soon NATO war-planes […]
ISIL and other terrorist groups have been in Syria to destroy the country’s infrastructure, protect Israel’s interests and portray an ugly face of Islam.
The 2016 Presidential Election
21st Century Wire says…
The ceasefire deal has meant ISIS is practically the only target left on the battlefield. Now, people are rising up against the crumbling group from the inside.
Watch a video of this report here: