Culture & Religion

Imagine If Muslims Surrounded A Christian Church In The US With Assault Rifles During Prayer Time

Imagine for a moment if the following aggressive behavior happened outside of a Christian Church. Substitute the words “Christian” with “Muslim.” A totally not scary looking Anti-Muslim protestor Outside of a Phoenix mosque on Friday to interrupt prayer time, protesters gathered wearing “Fuck Islam” t-shirts gathered. The group’s organizer urged protesters to carry guns, and many…

Russian Foreign Intelligence chief: Russia is a target because it’s a cradle of a new world paradigm

Photo: Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov, Director, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies. (Image credit The Millennium Report )

There is a community of some virtually unknown to the society people who not only install American presidents, but determine the rules of the “Big game” for everyone. These are, in particular, transnational financial corporations. But not only them.

by  Alexander CHUIKOV

The Battle of Palmyra

 A late report from Washington has it that U.S. President Barack Obama is considering an NSA recommendation that Special Forces “boots on the ground” at least be discussed and that the US may direct its war against Da’ish to save Palmyra.

Can One of the World’s Greatest Archaeological Sites Be Saved?
by Franklin Lamb
Office of the Director-General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM), Damascus.

Israeli mobs celebrate “ Jerusalem Day ” with anti-Palestinian rampage in Old City

by Ali Abunimah                               The Electonic Intifada
Thousands of young Israelis, many of them children, rampaged through the Old City of occupied Jerusalem on Sunday chanting “Death to the Arabs” and other racist and anti-Muslim slogans.
Some attacked bystanders and journalists and banged on the shutters of Palestinian stores that had been ordered to close at midday.

The Palestinian Nakba; A Nucleus of Nationwide Arab Nakba

Image credit: Aljazeera

The Zionist project; Greater Israel in the Middle East, was established on “uprooting, expulsion and occupation” colonial ideology. This means forceful uprooting, expulsion and transfer of indigenous Palestinians into other Arab states, and importing Jews from all over the world to occupy the country.


Video: Bringing the Holy Fire of Easter through a military checkpoint

The Holy Fire ceremony at Easter is observed every year in Jerusalem, a place holy to the three major monotheistic faiths. But Palestinian Muslims and Christians alike are prevented from freely practicing their long-held traditions there as Israel relentlessly erases their heritage from the city.