#MorningMonarchy: January 5, 2017
Manson's alive, 'The Queen Is Dead' and 'Star Wars' blaster fire + this day in history w/Dreyfus Affair and our song of the day by Gringo Star on your Morning Monarchy for January 5, 2017.
Manson's alive, 'The Queen Is Dead' and 'Star Wars' blaster fire + this day in history w/Dreyfus Affair and our song of the day by Gringo Star on your Morning Monarchy for January 5, 2017.
“Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?” M. CICERONIS TULLI ORATIO IN L. CATILINAM PRIMA
This New Year’s Eve, 750 heavy wooden crosses were distributed to a gathering of Chicagoans commemorating the victims of gun violence killed in 2016. Rev. Michael Pfleger and the Faith Community of St. Sabina Parish had issued a call to carry crosses constructed by Greg Zanis. The crosses, uniform in size, presented the name and age and, in many cases, a facial photo of the person killed. Some who carried the crosses were relatives of the people killed. As the group assembled, several sobbed upon finding the crosses that bore the names and photos of their loved ones.
I loved 2016. It was the year that changed everything. The evil queen’s been dispatched, there’s a revolution in the works and you and I look excitedly to 2017. Thank you for your payronage and faith and Happy New Year to you and yours.
#LionelNation in Northern Ireland
The world mourns yet another celebrity who dies prematurely over and lifestyles, decisions and deadly habits. Enter automourn.
Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination — employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service — are suddenly legal. As a criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and largely less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow. We have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it.
– Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow
The greatest Xmas lyrics ever. Bar none. Thank you, Mr. Lake. (10 November 1947 – 7 December 2016)
It’s a mental illness. An inability and refusal to confront and address the obvious. Hillary Clinton lost. Donald Trump won. In the few weeks Obama has taken every side on every position. Russia did, Russia didn’t. Hillary was robbed, Hillary screwed up. I failed, I was a success. I have brought hope, there is no hope. Everything is wonderful, everything sucks. The FBI is right, the FBI is wrong.
Hegel is very impressed. But he’s still waiting for the synthesis.
It’s lonely knowing you’re right. You’re met relentlessly by the simple-minded and trite. They never seem to wonder what’s right or wrong. We just know.