Chrystia Freeland

Corporate Interests Could Underlie Canada’s Support for Venezuela Coup

OTTAWA, CANADA — Canada’s government has now officially recognized Juan Guaidó of the “Voluntad Popular” Party as the leader of Venezuela. This support, in tandem with the EU, follows U.S. President Donald Trump’s immediate recognition of Juan Guaidó’s violent opposition party, and Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela.

Canada and the Rule of Law

Canada’s fealty to the rule of law is much spoken of nowadays by Liberal politicians in regards to a current pending extradition request made by the United States to Canada. Canada became embroiled in the international trade spat between the US and China when it arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of telecommunications giant Huawei at the behest of the US government.

Canada seems to prefer state of ‘war’ in Korea, not peace

By Yves Engler · October 28, 2018 Who prefers military might over peaceful discussion to settle a long festering international dispute? Canada, it seems. It may surprise some that a Canadian general is undercutting inter-Korean rapprochement while Global Affairs Canada seeks to maintain its 70-year old war footing, but that is what the Liberal government […]

Why Isn’t Canada’s Trudeau Speaking at the Main UN Forum This Year?

Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, holding a press conference during the UN General Assembly’s annual general debate, Sept. 21, 2017. He is not speaking at the main session this year but in sideline events. MANUEL ELIAS/UN PHOTO
MONTREAL — When he took office in 2015, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised, among other things, to bring Canada back as a leader on the world’s stage.

Canada Openly Seeking “Regime Change” in Venezuela

Is there no voice in Parliament willing to denounce Canadian interference in another country’s electoral process?
The Trudeau government is engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to weaken Venezuela’s elected government. In a bid to elicit “regime change,” Ottawa has worked to isolate Caracas, imposed sanctions, and supported the country’s opposition.

North Korea War Plan: Chrystia Freeland is more dangerous than Tony Blair

By Cameron Pike | OffGuardian | January 28, 2018 The day before the Foreign Ministers’ meeting on Security and Stability in Vancouver on January 16, 2018, a forum was held at the University of British Columbia’s Institute of Asian Research entitled “Getting North Korea Right:  Canadian Options and Roles”. This was a publicly held event […]