
An Athonite monk rebukes Patriarch Bartholomew’s recent actions

The Union of Orthodox Journalists published a rebuke by one of the Athonite monastics directed at Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople for the anti-Christian activity he has been involved in, especially in recent times. The UOJ ( is the prime source for news coming out about the grievous situation surrounding the legitimization of two Ukrainian schismatic churches without requiring any particular repentance from the leaders of these groups.

Patriarch Bartholomew adds new commandments – about water

Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople has not had a good few years. He has aroused disapproval, if not outright ire, from the Churches in almost every Orthodox Christian jurisdiction in the world. Even the Church of Greece took almost one year to accept his action regarding the “establishment” of a Ukrainian independent Church (that is not really independent, but under Patriarch Bartholomew’s jurisdiction). He has long been known for his euphemistic title “the Green Patriarch” because of his stance on environmental issues.

Restoration of Greek Melkite Catholic church in East Aleppo, systematically targeted by West’s extremist “moderates”

The only power standing between Christianity and its extinction in Syria is the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army who have protected and defended these communities because they are Syrian and part of the diverse, historic fabric of this nation essential for its continued multi-cultural identity.

Hungary Shows the Way to Help Threatened Christians, Yazidis of Syria, Iraq

It is ludicrous and shameful that President Donald Trump should face an onslaught of hysterical hatred for taking even the most cautious and tiniest of steps to try and scale back the metastasized US military presence across the Middle East.
Meanwhile the appalling, abominable chaos and suffering inflicted on the region by the holier-than-thou “righteous” military interventions unleashed by Trump’s two predecessors George W. Bush and Barack Obama continue to pour suffering, persecution, starvation, violence and death on hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Extinction Promotion

After years of teaching school and university, observing with dismay — to put it mildly — the institutional promotion of illiteracy and communicative incompetence, under the pretext that the soft prisons which are maintained for the incarceration and indoctrination of children are there to promote their personalities and get them through examinations so that they can replace their automaton parents, it took enormous digestive discipline to withstand the barrage of the past few days.