
Tom Secker on The Ripple Effect - Spy Culture

I recently talked to Ricky Varandas for his podcast The Ripple Effect. We were supposed to be discussing government involvement in entertainment but got distracted and ended up talking about: whether popularity matters; Trump and Brexit and why people voted for them; the differences and similarities between American and British politics and a whole load more.(Read more...)

Subscriber podcast #2 – Fake News and The Brink - Spy Culture

In this subscriber-only podcast I talk about the new book I am working on, the fake news hype of recent weeks and review nuclear war sitcom The Brink. This podcast is only available to supporters of my patreon campaign. Click the link below to go to my patreon page and sign up so you can get this and future subscriber-only podcasts.

Spirit Cooking Election Day Special – Tom Secker on PPR - Spy Culture

Pearse invited Aaron and myself onto his show on the evening of the Presidential election. I, for one, welcome our new Orange Overlord but when we taped this the result was not yet known. This conversation got a bit abstract as we didn't discuss the candidates much at all, but instead had a good time looking into some of the weirder elements of the run-up to the election and the broader social trends around our current political dialogue.

UN Make Wonder Woman an Ambassador - Spy Culture

This isn't just getting out of hand - it's out of hand. You did not read this incorrectly, the United Nations have made Wonder Woman an honorary ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls. Presumably that's because the UN thinks that actually empowering women and girls is best associated with quasi-feminist fantasies in comic books. Is this just a DC Studios marketing campaign? This is a bit of a rant.(Read more...)