
Dan McCready Will Make A Really Terrible Member Of Congress-- But If You Live In NC-09 You Should Probably Vote For Him Anyway

2 dangerous fascists-- Mark Harris and the Pig ManOne of the lesser-of-two-evils races to watch tomorrow is in North Carolina's 9th district, which stretches from Fayetteville to Charlotte and follows the South Carolina border from the Lumberton area into the suburbs south of Charlotte. It's a very red district, with a PVI of R+8 and where Trump beat Hillary 54.4% to 42.8%.

Jewish Law Professor Accuses ADL of Fudging Statistics To Make Anti-Semitism Appear More Prevalent Than It Really Is

The ADL said that anti-Semitism, including "wild anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers like George Soros manipulating world events," must be censored and stopped and that there has been a 57% increase in harassment, vandalism, and violence in 2017. In response, professor David Bernstein wrote that the ADL's study is false.

From Pittsburgh to Florida to Kentucky to the Campaign Trail

The whole idea of a "court Jew" takes on new meaningby Dorothy ReikPresident, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica MountainsLet's start with Pittsburgh. I know a lot of Israelis. They think Trump loves Jews because he moved our embassy to Jeresulem. He is trying to start the final war! First all the Jews have to go to Israel so he's making it more attractive.

Enabling Trump-- That's What Congressional Republicans Continue To Do

Trump by Joel Peter WitkinIn 1790, the first president of the United States, wrote a letter to the congregants of the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, which said, in part, that "the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support...

Trump's Pogram And People On Both Sides Of The Aisle

Sparks by Nancy OhanianIvanka and Kushner-in-law are Jews. When government-sanctioned Cossacks-- quietly sanctioned-- were murdering Jews in Imperial Russia there were tsars who protected wealthy Jews in St. Petersburg. A few years ago, I visited the Grand Choral Synagogue that Alexander II sanctioned in 1869 at the request of wealthy Jewish financier Joseph Günzburg-- loudly sanctioned-- Petersburg's first synogogue.

Evangelicals Campaigning To Flip The House

Kara Eastman rallying with Vote Common Good in OmahaSaturday after the vile outbreak of anti-Semitic violence at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh-- 11 dead, many injured-- the Washington Post's Max Boot, wrote that he is "so sad. I am so heartbroken. What is happening to our country? Tolerance for political and religious differences is a non-negotiable part of the social contract in the United States.