The Empire Of Debt: This Is A Sign Of The End

It is so sad to watch what is happening in the world right now... The criminal Kiev government in Ukraine has been thwarted in its attacks at the moment in trying to genocide the innocent people of eastern Ukraine who's only crime was to decide in a legal referendum that they had no future with Ukraine itself and want to be independent.... The good guys, these so called eastern Ukrainian "rebels", have won some major victories over the last few weeks in their battle for their very lives, but it appears that the US controlled proxy government in Kiev is indeed a "sore loser" and is about to up the stakes by moving heavy weapons and more troops into that region to again assault the innocent civilian population there....I am also troubled by all the complete lies and falsehoods being promoted by the liars in our Jew spew "mainstream media"... I could not help but to open a local newspaper here in Canada and read column after column and report after report of such grotesque misinformation about the so called "war" in Ukraine and about the fraudulent "war on terror".... It just sickens me to see all these pure propaganda bullshit reports that are used to fill the dumb ass Canadians here with pure propaganda lies....It is also shocking to see all the reports here in Canada about this fraud "ISIS" group and again how we must "do something" to stop these "horrific terrorists".... Again and again the reports were all hammering home the lie that Canadians must back our criminal Federal Government in Ottawa, under that Jew dick sucking Stephen Harper, in its insane want to turn Canada into a police state with its upcoming passage of the horrendous Bill C-51 that will indeed strip away Canadian liberties and freedoms for the illusion of "more security" from these "terrorists"..... I am especially troubled by the economic mess that we all face today... We are being saturated everywhere by the lies coming from our Jew spew media about this fraud "terrorist threat" which to me is a diversion for the collapse of our economies.... Everyone everywhere is saturated by unpayable debt and everywhere I see businesses closing, and rapidly rising unemployment... But again, our governments do nothing to battle this horrendous situation, but keep our minds purposely focused in on this insane rush to war......I do wonder always about how in the hell we got into this mess and what our future holds with this phoney incessant rush to war.... For a great analysis of exactly where we stand today and what our future holds, I want to turn to the following report that comes from Horse237, who writes the most informative website: Video Rebel's Blog, at The article is entitled: "The Empire Of Debt: This Is A Sign Of The End", and I have the link to that article right here for everyone to read for themselves... I have further comments to follow: Notes:  I have said countless times in previous articles that this buildup for war is indeed by design.... The criminal Jewish elite has ruined our planet with their fraud "fractional reserve" Usury debt based monetary system that is about to implode and take much of the world down when it happens... These criminals have decided that the only way out is for a major world war that in their sick thinking they believe will re-energize the world economies.... The problem is that any war now could quickly turn nuclear and kill billions of people as a result....I have long said that the only hope is for all nations to simply cancel their debts instantly.... The Greek Syriza government just this last week had that choice to make and they instead surrendered to the criminal EU much to the chagrin of their own people.... Debt cancelation and telling these criminals that want us all enslaved till the end of time is the only solution....It does appear that the only way out now to save all the brainwashed sheeple is to indeed have an overthrow of our own governments and an immediate cancelation of debts as well as imprisonment for the scoundrels responsible for the mess.... The alternative is to accept the status quo and watch the world go to hell...More to comeNTS