Dr Mikael Nordfors in a very important interview about killer ”quackcines” and the situation in Sweden 2021-10-06

Read this article A reply to the Swedish Tabloid Aftonbladet regarding defamation of Mikael Nordfors M.D. https://www.medicdebate.org/node/2502?language=en
You can read the full article on school medicine, which is mentioned in the interview, including the following quotes;

”Each practicing physician kills an average of one patient per year, thus taking the lives of 35 patients in his 35 years of practice”.


The article ”The art of survival in an over-medicated world” can be found here https://newsvoice.se/2019/01/recension-av-peter-gotzsches-bok-konsten-att-overleva-i-en-overmedicinerad-varld/


In Sweden there are about 50 000 licensed doctors


When you make the following calculation, based on the above quote, it becomes clear that licensed doctors under 35 years of age in Sweden are engaged in professional killing with the patronage of the state of Sweden


50,000 x 35 = 1,750,000 deaths of Swedish licensed doctors in Sweden over a 35 year period




”Vaccines” systematically and generally harm and kill humanity and the nation of Sweden’s citizens and children.

You can read more about this terrible school medical professional killing activity, quote


The combined totals for CDC’s reporting agencies VAERS (US) and EudraVigilance (Europe) are as follows (the numbers below represent less than 10 percent of the actual deaths and injuries that have occurred since inoculations began in January 2021):


34,052 DEATHS & amp; 5,410,944 INJURIES*

(Less than 1% actually reported


US reported injuries 545,337 and deaths at 12,366 and Europeans reported 1,960,607 injuries and 20,525 deaths through July 30, 2021)

Estimated unreported deaths and injuries worldwide
34,052,000 DEATHS & 541,410,00 INJURIES*[*Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Study 2010]

So again, if nothing else has impressed you, just look at the VAERS and EudraVigalnce NUMMERS and then let the light of truth speak to your soul and start learning all you should know and do to protect yourself and your loved ones!

End quote


Read more http://eueeshealthcare.bloggproffs.se/2021/10/06/sveriges-regering-och-deras-medlopare-del-221/


You can read and see more about and by Dr Mikael Nordfors here

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