William Barr

How Long Will It Take For Señor Trumpanzee To Pardon Roger Stone?

In preparation for pardoning some of his cronies-- particularly Roger Stone who has a lot of serious dirt on Trump-- Trump continued pardoning random corrupt people this week, yesterday San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr., a real estate developer who was convicted in a huge gambling fraud scandal that sounds very much like something that could have been Trump.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahJohn Gotti had Bruce Cutler. Forget Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump has William Barr; with apologies to Bruce Cutler for the comparison, of course. Barr is Trump's personal Attorney General, political operative, and real defense lawyer. In essence, the United States has no Attorney General looking out for it. Barr sees it at his job to look out only for his boss of bosses.

Shame On The NY Times For Its Continuing And Fraudulent Coverage Of How Trump and Barr Are Politicizing The Justice Department!

Disorganized Crime [detail] by Nancy OhanianI don't get out much but when I do, it's the only time I listen to the radio-- my car has an NPR preset. Last night I drove to a restaurant to meet friends on the other side of town and, of course, back. I heard Trump's Roy Cohn AG's canned interview 3 times-- twice on the way there and once on the way home-- straight "news," not a word of commentary.

Is There Someone In Trump World Even More Dangerous To American Democracy Than Stephen Miller? Meet William Barr, The Nominee Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin And Doug Jones Voted To Confirm

William Barr by Nancy OhanianHistorians generally agree that the worst Attorney General in American history was A. Mitchell Palmer, an outright fascist who was appointed by Woodrow Wilson in 1919. The monstrosity after Palmer was nearly as bad-- Warren G.

Not Yummy-- Republican Stew

Recall when Lev and Igor were caught laundering Russian money into the Trump campaign and the campaign of dozens of Republicans in Congress? Yesterday, Christian Berthelson reported that Lev-- one of the Giuliani criminal associates was handed a million bucks from Putin in September "a month before he was charged with conspiring to funnel foreign money into U.S. political campaigns.