
Shocking Photos: California’s 101,000 Gallon Oil Spill Hits Pacific Ocean

As if we needed another reason to turn to alternative fuels with the enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico still lingering due to BP Oil’s refusal to clean up their mess, pictures have come in from the oil pipeline rupture near Santa Barbara that initially sent 21,000 gallons (of a total 101,000 gallons released) of crude oil into the Pacific Coast waters – an incident that happened in late May.

In Defence of Life: Standing up Against the Lust for Culling Wildlife

Early in 2013 I thought I had reached a low point as I reacted to the way the animal-loving British elite happily slaughtered anything that got in its way. The most visible sign of its lust for ‘controlling’ wildlife by culling has been the project to kill badgers on the poor excuse that they are responsible for all the bovine TB in cattle.