White Helmets

The White Helmets “Black Record”: Vanessa Beeley Talks to RT About French Gov’t Collusion with Al Qaeda Linked Group

21st Century Wire says…
In a move that Aldous Huxley and George Orwell would applaud, as proof that their prophecy for the world had come true, the French Government welcomed NATO-state-multi-million-funded-terrorist-linked White Helmets into the halls of power, the National Assembly in Paris.

The White Helmet Controversy

White Helmets Phenom
Unknown to most people, the White Helmets brand was conceived and directed by a marketing company named “The Syria Campaign” based in New York. They have managed to fool millions of people. Walt Disney might have made a great movie about this: unarmed volunteers fearlessly rescuing survivors in the midst of war without regard to religion or politics. Like most other “true life” Disney movies, it is 10% reality, 90% fiction.

Dr Nabil Antaki Reporting from West Aleppo Under Daily Hail of Terrorist Mortars, Hell Cannon Missiles

West Aleppo under daily attack from East Aleppo, under Nusra Front occupation.
Dr Nabil Antaki
Temoinage Chretien
Aleppo, the martyr’d city: our city has been the number one subject of televised and written media reports for the last two weeks.  However, the suffering of the inhabitants of Aleppo did not only start yesterday.

Syria, the UK and Funding the “Moderate armed opposition”

A document produced last December by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, headed: “UK Non-Humanitarian Aid in Response to The Syria Conflict”, makes interesting reading. The British government, it states, has spent “over £100 million” since 2012, “working closely with a range of actors” to “find a political solution to the conflict and prepare to rebuild the country in the post Assad era.” (Emphasis added.)

Syria: French-Sponsored Terrorist Media Sites Smear Russia in Attempt to Impose ‘No Fly Zone’

Finian Cunningham
Among the NATO allies decrying “war crimes” in Syria, France is taking a lead role in the chorus denouncing Russia. The latest outburst comes from French President Francois Hollande who says he wants Russia charged with war crimes at the International Criminal Court.