
Porkins Policy Radio episode 87 MLK Assassination 49 Years Later with Doug Valentine

Doug Valentine joins me to discuss the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. We begin by discussing Doug’s involvement with the King families civil case against alleged co-conspirator Loyd Jowers. Doug talks about how and why he was hired by King family lawyer William Pepper and the aspects that he was tasked with investigating. Doug discusses his time in Memphis interviewing witnesses to the crime, some of whom had never been questioned by police.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Air America: The CIA’s Secret Airline’ (2000)

Our weekly documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. 
EDITORS NOTE: At times, this film might sanitise the CIA infamous operation in Southeast Asia, just short of glorifying it, but the detail and over view of this piece of history is extremely education – especially when you consider how similar operations are doing the exact same operation in Turkey, Pakistan and Yemen. 

Black Op Radio episode 823

Tom Secker and I were recently guests on Len Osanic’s Black Op Radio. We discussed The CIA and Hollywood series and specifically our episode on The Quiet American and Edward Lansdale. We discuss the theory that Lansdale was acting as a former ad-executive and was attempting to sell war in South East Asia. Tom and I also talk about the CIA’s use of George Orwell as propaganda, Charlie Wilson, and why government interference in cinema and culture is so dangerous.

Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds (Peter davis, 1974) from John on Vimeo. Hearts and Minds is a 1974 American documentary film about the Vietnam War directed by Peter Davis. The film’s title is based on a quote from President Lyndon B. Johnson: “the ultimate victory will depend on the hearts and minds of the people who actually […]