UKC News: Brexit Leads to TPP, Vaccine Confusion, Hancock’s Lockdown Folly
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.
The Brexit endgame is now becoming clear – the US-UK bilateral trade deal will make Britain an economic outpost for US transnational corporate interests.
President Donald Trump is against the big, multilateral “free trade” deals (which have little to do with trade) supported by so-called “liberal elites” (who are not really liberal), like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Such deals include the Trans-Pacific Partnership, from which Trump withdrew, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which appears to be dead in the water, due in large part to popular opposition. The more moderate wing of the Democratic Party (represented by the likes of Bernie Sanders) also opposes the big, multilateral deals, but for opposite reasons.
Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan is a Member of European Parliament from Ireland. He had a simple mission: to try to view a single ‘public’ document, specifically, the TTIP agreement at the EU Parliament. What happened next was simply mind-boggling.
21st Century Wire says…
At long last, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin finally meet at the G20 in Hamburg, while the UK continues to fund its shadow state building in Syria through a series of NGOs which are in reality are running a web of clandestine regime change networks, UN using ‘Bana of Aleppo’ as a PR prop, and behind BREXIT we find TTIP being pushed through by stealth. All this and much more…
21st Century Wire says…
This latest move by the US is being sold to unwitting British holiday makers and business travelers as a “solution to long immigration queues at US airports.”
With Article 50 due to be triggered imminently, we might naturally ask ourselves again what it is that the ‘Brexit’ process is meant to lead us towards in the long-run. ‘Shock Doctrine’, Child Poverty, Ultra-Capitalism ‘On Steroids’ and the UK’s potential future as a corporate tax-haven are just part of the picture feared by some. And […]
Peter Navarro, the head of President Trump’s new National Trade Council, is accusing Germany of ‘currency manipulation’ and is saying that TTIP is dead.
Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
So the trade wars have begun. Less than 72 hrs into to his first term, President Donald Trump has wasted no time making good on a number of campaign pledges, including today’s signing of an executive order to pull the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.