
Free Meals from Drug Companies Influence how Doctors Prescribe Drugs

Drug companies don’t need to give doctors thousands of dollars in kickbacks to sway them to prescribe their medications and implant their devices. A new study published online in JAMA Internal Medicine shows that doctors who received a free meal from a pharmaceutical company were more likely to prescribe the drug the company was promoting than doctors who received no such meals.

Migraines Could Be a Sign Your Body is Missing THIS

If you’re a migraine sufferer, as I used to be, you probably know the feeling of desperation that comes with the pain, nausea, and vision problems. Some people try remedy after remedy, but never find relief. It can be hard to find a solution because doctors aren’t even sure what causes migraines. But new research suggests the underlying cause of at least some of these agonizing headaches may be a simple vitamin deficiency.

Microplastics in the Ocean are Killing Baby Fish, Study Finds

Our seas are littered with plastic, and tiny bits of it are seriously threatening the environment, according to a study published in the journal Science. Researchers say microplastics – small plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in diameter – could be hurting the survival of European perch, as well as other creatures.
Source: EcoWatch

How to Keep Ticks off of You, and Get Rid of Them if Needed

I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and my neighbors and I were constantly picking ticks off of our pets. When you think about ticks, you associate them with living in the woods. But these Lyme-disease carriers are everywhere. Whether you’re hiking through the wilderness or yanking weeds out of your backyard garden, there could be a tick nearby, eyeing you up like a juicy burger.
Do you know how to handle finding a tick on your clothes? Let’s test your knowledge with a little quiz.
You find a tick on your pant leg. You should:

Scientists Outline 6 ‘No Duh’ Habits that Will Shorten our Lives

Eating too much junk food, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol – all these things can shorten our lives, and we know it. So set on proving most of the things that are terrible for us are fun, scientists from the University of Sydney followed more than 230,000 people aged 45 and older for 6 years. The team assembled a list of 6 ‘deadly sins’
Researcher Dr. Melody Ding, said: