
Ecce Mortis: NUDE

Straight from “MBS-in-hand” churned copy for Coolman & Associates Advertising and Image Management (AIM).  Cool AIM.
Agency days bleak indeed. Frantic. Hive of urgency and tension. Get Word to public. Word was product. Word and image. Factory of words images.  Word-image-product proposal better be damn good or say “good-bye” to the
account. Ready. AIM. Fire(d).
Didn’t mingle. All those stressed designers and copywriters stiffening in cubicles, dreaming words and patterns.

Ecce Mortis: BEING in Love

Love. Love. Love.
The Bakery Girl and big soft man-child BEING.
Morning The Bakery; sweet muffins, coffee.
Said she “Wouldn’t mind, you know, were he to ask…”
BEING left his bong, showered, combed. Destination bakery.
“Wanna go eat and maybe a movie?” asked BEING.
She said, “Sure.”
Soon in the apartment regularly BEING and The Bakery Girl, companions.
Not stun-drop beautiful, not Magazine. Hip-Heavy, soft, like BEING.  Harem girl allure.  Love in BEING’s room. The Bakery Girl partial to men and women. BEING her first man in a year.

The Mandalay Expat Monster Mash

Having arrived the first time in Mandalay to live and work in 2009, I rarely met westerners who lived there that weren’t teachers, and even then there were very few of them. The several non-teaching expats I met were pretty cool people working at mysterious trades and even one geologist who was trying to figure out a way to smuggle quality gems out of Burma into Thailand. Something that’s actually not hard to do. But generally everyone had a decent idea about their motives, even if some were secretive, for being in Mandalay.

Ecce Mortis: Breakfast with Music and BEING

Twenty-nine is no longer young.  Not old, two-thirds life ahead—possibly. But alas, beyond the market age bracket of the eighteen-to-twenty-fours. Let them pass. We are huge, despite unmarketable advanced degrees, dollars blown on our ‘afraid to work with our hands.’
Look at me. There. In the mirror. Cleansed and dapper. Green-and-yellow Topiary Techniques t-shirt; blue jeans; green-and-black sneakers. Ready to go. Ready to go. Ready to go.
BEING already in the kitchen, sipping coffee he’d picked up at the corner bakery. Sticky buns, muffins and The City News.