San Francisco

San Francisco: Major Convention Cancels Due to Homeless Problems of Drugs, Behavior and Feces

Tourism is San Francisco’s biggest industry, bringing in $9 billion a year, employing 80,000 people and generating more than $725 million in local taxes.  A major convention canceled future plans due to the open drug use, threatening behavior, and mental illness that are common on the streets. [...]

San Francisco Launches App to Clean Up “BioHazards” on Subway

San Francisco has the most expensive housing in America, which has led to a rise in the homeless population who are living in the streets, creating a problem with human waste on the streets. The city is offering a new app to report feces and needles left behind by drug addicts on the floors inside the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station instead of creating a solution to the homeless problem. [...]

SHOCKING VIDEO: Junkies and heroin addicts take over San Francisco metro station

A shocking video has gone viral calling attention to what’s going on in one of the busiest San Francisco BART metro stations.
Junkies and addicts are blatantly shooting up out in the open as morning commuters walk by.
Other drug addicts are slumped along filthy corridors.
Twitter headquarters are located next to this metro station, employing dozens of millionaires and six figure liberal techies.
Here is the full report from KPIX NEWS CBS SF Bay Area…

Church Allows Homeless to Sleep Overnight, Gives Them Blankets

(TMU) — Nearly 15 years ago, St. Boniface church in San Francisco began opening their doors for homeless people in need of shelter. The effort was started by Father Louis Vitale of the church, and community activist Shelly Roder, in 2004 and is known as The Gubbio Project. Hundreds of people each day pass through the church, […]