Robert Inlakesh

Israel Has Murdered 500 Palestinians Since Trump Declared Jerusalem the Capital of Israel

Since December 2017, when Trump announced his recognition that “Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital”, at least 481 Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli forces according to a new report.
The Centre for Jerusalem Studies, based in the old city of Jerusalem, provided documentation showing that of the 481 murders, 102 were children and 18 were women, 6 of those killed have been described having special needs.

Inlakesh: Saudi, Yemen, Iran and the Real Reason for Rising Oil Prices

Headlines are ablaze today with reports that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blamed Iran for the apparent drone strikes on Saudi Arabia’s top oil production facilities, causing massive fires. Incredibly, even though the Houthi rebels in Yemen had claimed responsibility, the US and the western mainstream media have simply created their own story line.

Kurdish NGO Report Claims New Proof Of Turkey-ISIS Collaboration

There has long been talk of the role that Turkey had to play in the facilitation and even covert support for elements of Daesh (IS, ISIS, Islamic State). Many state actors have leveled accusations against Turkey, for which no-one seems to have – at least to public knowledge – been pursued by Turkish Authorities.
But how deep does the indirect collaboration between Daesh and the Turkish State go?

West Bank IED Attack Kills and Injures Israelis- A Closer Look

Earlier this Friday morning an IED attack, conducted inside the occupied West Bank, killed one Israeli and injured two others.
The incident has been blamed on unidentified Palestinians, who were said to have planted the IED the night prior to the incident, before detonating it upon the arrival of the Israeli settlers to the location.

Israel Strikes Gaza as Hamas Fires Rockets: The Context and The Truth

Palestinian killed by Israeli airstrikes in May, 2019| Photo taken in Gaza on May 6th.
Robert Inlakesh
21st Century Wire

Gaza and Israel Violence: Why has it started again?
If you are paying attention to the situation in Gaza right now, you may have heard that there is yet again fighting. Israel has struck the Gaza Strip and the armed factions in Gaza are fighting back.

Inlakesh: Why the US Cannot Win a War Against Iran

Today, the US Senate will vote on a war-authorization measure that could block President Donald Trump’s efforts to launch a military strike on Iran unless without seeking congressional approval. This comes after Trump threatened Iran with “obliteration” on this week, claiming that the US will use “overwhelming force” against Tehran if it attacks “anything American.”

The Top US False-Flag Ops Against Iran Debunked

In a time of heightened tensions between Iran and the United States, it is important that Mainstream Media war propaganda is confronted and explained.
A tactic used to demonize a country to justify attacks, must not be simply left alone. The following video, published for PRESS TV UK, tackles all of the potential False-Flag narratives and the timeline of anti-Iran propaganda. Watch:

Sky News Collaborates with Idlib Terrorists to Create Syria War Propaganda

Sky News Journalist, Alex Crawford, in Idlib with militant fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.
On Thursday night Sky News released a story entitled “Sky News witnesses horrors of Syria’s last rebel outpost”, in which journalist Alex Crawford claims to have been targeted by a Russian tank shelling whilst reporting in Syria’s Idlib province.