Regime Change

Removing References to the Arab Spring Facilitates the International Narrative on Migration and Refugees

Foreign intervention – lauded by imperialism as a necessity for “bringing democracy” – has one aspect of so-called collateral damage which is abhorred and manipulated. The invasion of the Middle East and North Africa region, as decided by the White House early on in the “War on Terror” post September 11, has generated a perpetual phenomenon of refugees and forcibly displaced people seeking a semblance of normalcy in Europe.

The Sham of Arab Revolutions

The U.S. has declared “revolutions” on its own terms, and its own image, writes As`ad AbuKhalil. 
It is rather amusing to see Western media hailing, as of late, the advent of what they refer to as “Arab revolutions.” Western media never hail revolutions. Instead itpropagandizes against revolutions in developing countries, as it did during much of the Cold War.

The Geopolitics of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon to Neocon

Originally published on the Strategic Culture Foundation
I think any sane human being can agree that while war was never a good idea, war in the 21st century is an absolutely intolerable one. The problem we currently face is that many of the forces driving world events towards an all-out war of “Mutually Assured Annihilation” are anything but sane.

Hussein Askary Discusses the New Silk Road’s Advance Across the Middle East

Anyone looking at a map of the Belt and Road Initiative will notice that Syria, Iraq and Iran’s stability and active participation are vital for this world changing program to function. Anyone not realizing that this program of win-win cooperation is in direct anti-thesis to the neocon paradigm of “a clash of civlizations” would be blind to the very essence of world history and modern events.

What’s So Special About Morocco’s ‘Special Relationship’ With Europe?

For years, the special status that Morocco was ordained by the EU, was hailed as a great triumph. But when top officials from EU countries treat the kingdom like a cheap girlfriend to use when it wants, then some might call it abusive and neo-colonial.
Is the EU about to bring about a new Arab Spring in Morocco?